
St Brides Major CW Primary School

Caru Dysgu am Oes

The Governing Body

Governing Body Annual Report to Parents


Who are the Governors?


What is the Governing Body?

Governors are like a Board of Directors and make strategic decisions about how the school is run. They meet at least once a term as a full body and several times in statutory committees.


Governors are appointed to help:

·         Decide what is taught

·         Set standards of achievement

·         Interview and appoint staff

·         Monitor the school budget


School governors have legal responsibilities, powers and duties. They can only act as a body, not individually.


School governors are:

·         Representatives of the Church in Wales

·         Parents

·         Teacher

·         Non teaching staff

·         Local council representative

·         Community representative

Parent governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they are not ‘mouthpieces’ of the parents. They do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights.


Parent governors can make sure that all communication with parents is understood and is informative. They will ensure that all parents have access to the Annual report to Parents. Parent governors should be aware of ways of encouraging parental interest and should become actively involved in drawing parents into school.


How can I become a Governor?

Ask the head teacher or contact the Clerk to Governors.





Chair of Governors   

Mrs Ann Jenkins

Vice ChairMrs Kathryn Lewis

Head Teacher

Mr Duncan Mottram

Teacher Governor

Ms Helen Morgan

Non Teacher GovernorMiss Rebecca Hardwick
Ex - OfficioRevd Emma Street

Parent Governor

Mr Luke Sibieta

Foundation Governors

Mrs Ann Jenkins

Mr Ian Spence

Mr Gareth Davies

Mr Anthony Davies

Mrs Chris Halsall

Minor Authority

Mrs Joanne Rideout

LEA Governor

Mrs Kathryn Lewis


Mrs Cathy Jenkins


Mrs Joanne Ware

